Different Types Of Display Technologies Used In LED TVs

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Planning to buy a new LED TV for your sitting room? Well, the display is the most important feature of a television set and if you are looking for an LED TV online purchase you must know all the types of display technologies to know which one is the best and which one you want in your new television. 

The display technology behind your TV screen will draft your whole television watching experience on your brand new LED TV. So it is very important to pick a television with the best display technology.

There are many types of display technologies used in televisions and they majorly affect the whole picture quality of your TV set. The more advanced and latest display tech the clearer and livelier the picture quality will be. Buy any LED TV online in India with the best display technologies to enjoy some quality time with your television set. 

Here’s a list of display technologies that are used in modern-day televisions.


Liquid Crystal Display, this technology consists of a flat panel that either allows blockage or passage of light, known as Liquid Crystal Technology. The image is formed by the polarization of combined liquid crystals. They are energy efficient and have multifunctional capacities. 

But since now it is a bit older technology that’s why it has some drawbacks like limited viewing angle, restricted brightness, and screen lag.


LED is the one-step upgradation of LCD, though they both use the same technology LEDs are a bit better. Light Emitting Diode uses several LED lights for illumination behind your TV screen, while LCD uses fluorescent bulbs. Compared to LCD, they are narrower and more efficient and provide a better viewing angle.


Quantum Light Emitting Diode, is the most popular display technology in the streets right now. Majorly all TV brands use this technology for their televisions. It is one of the latest variations in display technologies that rely on the backlight. QLED screens last longer and are not susceptible to burn-ins. They are more affordable compared to other latest displays. They are 50 to 100 times brighter and are more efficient than LCDs. This is the display technology you can get on your TV. You can purchase any LED TV online that is enlightened with QLED technology and you will be sorted with the dilemma of which TV to buy. The only drawback this technology comes along with is the unknown long-term durability. This means how long your TV display will keep shining is an unknown quantity, though it offers more light years than LCDs and simple LEDs. 


This is the top display technology on the list. The latest and most advanced display technology invented yet is Organic Light Emitting Display. It offers a display of the highest quality making it the best display technology. Buy a LED TV online in India with this OLED technology and discover an experience of premium television watching. The most impressive thing about OLED display technology is that it does not need a backlight to illuminate the screen area like LCD and QLED. 

This technology uses organic materials like carbon to produce illumination when an electric current directly supplies it. It is the coolest technology as it consumes less heat and is more energy efficient than LCDs and LEDs. They display excellent picture quality and completely enhance your TV watching experience. Add more vivid and rich colours to the picture infusing a soul into your display. With a wider viewing angle and minimal lag or blur. 

If you are looking for an LED TV online purchase, then you should consider all the display technologies and consider which is best for you. Watching television is an experience and to not spoil your experience you must be aware of all the display technology so that you can pick one for your TV.


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