Are You Using Your Smart LED TV To Its Fullest?

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Technology in TV has advanced so far that you'll be perplexed by the level of quality. With a smart TV, you have limited access to apps, but they can be accessed more easily - with a few tips and tricks to help get the most out of your smart TV. So take some notes if you plan to purchase LED TV online soon.

How to use the virtual assistants on your smart TV

Your TV may have access to a virtual assistant such as Alexa with your phone nearby. So, if you're looking for something and can't find it, just ask your TV or use your phone's assistant.

Search for free channels and content on your TV

If you are looking for something to watch on your TV, it is worth checking out what channels and movies the Smart TV provides at that moment or frequently. There is new material being uploaded regularly so it is always worth checking back now and again

Do you know your LED TV's gaming features?

The lack of a smooth and responsive gamer experience is a common complaint for TV gamers. TVs were made to respond well to gaming consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Some TVs have powerful gaming features like auto low latency mode and game mode.

Explore the apps on your Smart LED TV

Smart TVs offer a variety of streaming services, but don’t be fooled: there are also other features to explore. It may be time to reevaluate your use of these channels and explore the hidden features of your TV brand.

Learn how to turn on the ambient mode on your TV

Your smart TV can become a work of art. If the screen is too big and it doesn’t fit into the décor in your living room, it might be a good idea to use an Ambient Mode, Art Mode, or Gallery Mode to give visitors something nice to look at while waiting for you at the couch. 

Check out the best smart TV settings for your specific needs

To get through the dialogue and action sequences, changing the volume can help. For a better experience, most smart TVs provide decent EQ choices.

Many smart TVs come preset with movie, sports, and music modes. You can manually adjust the EQ settings as well as the volume levels of other sources such as gaming consoles and Blu-ray players. A full theater experience would involve multiple speakers aligned in an optimal layout.

Put Up Your Content

Try swapping out your addiction to streaming with your own content. Either watch old home movies or scroll through pictures from your recent vacation. The algorithms might give you comparable content, so it will be difficult to find anything new to watch.

To get the best quality when watching a video, try to buy an LED TV online in India with an HMDI 2.1 interface which provides about three times the speed of HDMI 2.0. You could also use a flash drive to stream content if you're using a TV with an HDMI 2.0 port instead. Many models have USB 3.0 connectors for plugging in devices easily and avoiding streaming content altogether.

Get information on connecting your smart TV to your smart home

The Ring Doorbell Pro and Google Assistant can connect your smart TV to a variety of gadgets, so you’re able to answer the door, check on the baby monitor, and reply to emails all from the comfort of your couch.


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